Sometimes it's not about the choice of being lonely. It's a choice of being lonely -WHERE.
Sometimes even in most crowded place we are lonely but sometimes when we are alone can feel fulfilled.
I just hope that during this trip I will feel fulfillment.
Now i'm already in the train to Brussels Charleroi Airport where I take a flight to Poland, Katowice and then hitchhiking till Kiev where I have a first stop to take a look at the beautiful monasteries and orthodox churches built even thousand of years ago.
Hope to reach my destination by tomorrow's evening. Then will head towards Moscow.
Kissed the Kitten, met with one of the friends from childhood and left. Usually when I'm leaving I feel liberated. Now is different. It feels like i'm ... Just leaving...
I even did not packed my bag until the last minute where I dropped in everything I was using for last few days..:)
I'm leaving unprepared. :) and I'm already out of Brussels and there is a 60 euros in my pocket!:) that's all I'm taking with me...:)

I prepared my visas before the tip to countries where it could be hard to obtain in on the way - like Russia, China and India. Actually it would be useful if I would have managed to get Kazahstan visa as well but I didn't.