I bought a ticket in a last minute and my train towards Beijing, where I'm gonna drop off in Tianjin was departing in 10 minutes. I payed less almost on half than expected - instead of 500 yuan's I paid only 219 yuan's but I had a seat instead of sleeping place. I just don't know how long does it takes till get there and I hope that somehow I'm not will be able to contact Ingus when I'll come there.
The train is quite comfortable and I'm leaving deeper and deeper into the China and I'm the only European inside this whole train. All eyes on me!:)

On my way towards Beijing I found that I'm not the only "white" one. I met two girls from Irkutsk, where I was just less than a week ago. They are driving not the first time and explained me a lot about local traditions and life in China itself. They gave me even a cellphone to contact my friend in Tianjin.
So "I'm cool" now :) and my trip in China is going much smoother than planed and everything is even much better than it seemed yesterday.

The train is crowded with local Chinese who spit on a floor a d everybody is eating sunflower seeds. I'm gonna be in Tianjin in about 30 hours. But the worst thing is that when I was buying a ticket - there was only standing places available - that means that as soon as someone new comes in who have booked a seat is throwing me out of it.:) and currently I've been standing now already for 5 hours. And I have some 20 more to stand. It is actually quite absurd...:)

As I found out later, the VIP standing seats are sleeping in a sink, which is based at the end of each doorway beside the toilets. Pity This is my first time in China and I didn't know it earlier... :)